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Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Knowing and Learn from Video

      Monday, March 11, 2013 not as usual Mr. Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M. A. (our lecturer) give the different method of his teaching and learning. There are no test, no traditional teaching learning. In this moment, he ask the students to watch and learn from video. There are seven video that he showed.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

About School Mathematics

    Monday, march 4th, 2013 when English lesson came, as usual we do the test. The result of the test was very disappointing because the result was not better than before. But this will be a motivation for us to study hard.

Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Monday, February 25th , 2013, before the study start, we clean up classroom that  because it looks very dirty at all. After cleaning the classroom, as usual we sat around Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A. And as usual we conduct regular tests at every meeting. The results of the tests are still unsatisfactory but the average of our value is higher than last week.
After the test, as always, we listen to an explanation from Mr Marsigit and make a reflection. This time, he describes about the problem of mathematics teaching, which is a topic that is being discussed in education circles, especially among mathematics education. He describes a traditional learning methods are

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013


February, 11th 2013, is the first day of class mathematics education subsidies  2012 meet the English lesson. Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M. A. is the lecturer(teacher). He gives different teaching with other teachers. He wants an independent student( university student). So the student must looking for information, study, and take responsibility for what students have learned. If  student (he or she)  have not been understood with the assignment or the lesson, so student asked the lecturer(teacher). Actually this is the best way for students, considering that students(university) are students who are categorized as adult students. If the lecturer (teacher) explained the lesson as teachers explain students in high school, so what the difference between student (university) with the high school students, junior high school student, and the student of elementary school? There are nothing difference. Knowing that, we as students (university)  have to realize that we've grown up and willing to accept the learning model have offered. Although, actually I was surprised by the model because, until this time,  I still in the shadows of high school where teachers teach in front of the class  and the students  just sit, listen, and take notes. But it must be changed, make a change. We must realize that independence learning is necessary because we have grown up.