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Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Monday, February 25th , 2013, before the study start, we clean up classroom that  because it looks very dirty at all. After cleaning the classroom, as usual we sat around Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A. And as usual we conduct regular tests at every meeting. The results of the tests are still unsatisfactory but the average of our value is higher than last week.
After the test, as always, we listen to an explanation from Mr Marsigit and make a reflection. This time, he describes about the problem of mathematics teaching, which is a topic that is being discussed in education circles, especially among mathematics education. He describes a traditional learning methods are
often done by most teachers, particularly math teachers. It is always spoken by him but we are not bored to listen because this is a very interesting topic to discussed. Most teacher use traditional methods because he / she not believe with his/ her student. Teachers do not believe in the ability of students and fear that if students learn on their own would not understand with the lesson. So they just  do  transfer of knowledge. Though such learning is very unpleasant, because traditional method of teaching learning the make students boring, sleepy, passively, sick, etc. This is because the students just listen and can not express the thoughts that he acquired or she created. Can we see as a student at the elementary school, when he was still a first-class he look cheerful, as second class he laughed out loud, at third grade he laughed, fourth grade he  only smile and seemed to have a lot of thoughts, grade five could not smiled and had seen listless, sixth grade because he will face UNAS, he stress. This is what will happen if teachers are constantly giving science without thinking about the ideas of a child.
Then, remember about  will"attitude"skill"experience the traditional method of teaching and learning is not suitable. Should a student is like a tree, as has been discussed in previous reflections. The tree grows from a seed. Seeds develop into young plants, grown longer a higher rate of young trees, grown into a large and bloom again, and after that he was fruitful. The resulting fruit would be beneficial to other. Such is they must do. someone should live like a tree, and later when he independently adults will benefit others. While the growth, the others (someone else) just  as a facilitator. Of course this is a good method implemented by a teacher. Students become more able to express and pour his thoughts. Later, learning outcomes using this method produces students who are independent, responsibility, and creative so that no student will just stay quiet when the discussion. This method is the natural method is seen from the growth of a student, unfortunately the use of this method is the west, not the east. No one can develop the minds of others but himself because the others just as facilitator. Therefore, Mr. marsigit told us to reflect on the recording and online. This is so that he knows our thoughts pour and give us the opportunity to write, comment, reflect, and pour our ideas in his writings.
The nature of all aspect of teaching and learning of mathematics :
1.    The nature of school mathematics
2.    The nature of student’s learning mathematics
3.    The nature of learning research
-                      Formal Mathematics
School mathematics(Ebbut&Straker, 1995)
-                     Axiomatic Mathematics
·      Mathematics is a search of
pattern & relationship
-                      Pure mathematics
·      Mathematics is a problem solving activity

·       Mathematics is an investigation activity

·       Mathematics is the means of communicator
-                      University learn

From the review above, I can conclude that the issue of mathematics education comes from a teacher, because of his lack of confidence corresponding private teacher so pressing and forcing students to accept the lessons that they offered. Though it was mentioned that a teacher is to facilitate students and trying to provide what the student asked. Need"trust"construct"invent"own life"own knowledge. That is necessary so that, students will be forming unpredictable. Not a student who just imitate the teacher. Errors in the learning method is one of the cause in this math problem. Thus, we as a prospective teacher should really think how we tomorrow to facilitate the needs of students without making them unencumbered. That is the real challenge for our job
This is that can I conclude from the reflection III

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