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Minggu, 24 Februari 2013


February, 11th 2013, is the first day of class mathematics education subsidies  2012 meet the English lesson. Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M. A. is the lecturer(teacher). He gives different teaching with other teachers. He wants an independent student( university student). So the student must looking for information, study, and take responsibility for what students have learned. If  student (he or she)  have not been understood with the assignment or the lesson, so student asked the lecturer(teacher). Actually this is the best way for students, considering that students(university) are students who are categorized as adult students. If the lecturer (teacher) explained the lesson as teachers explain students in high school, so what the difference between student (university) with the high school students, junior high school student, and the student of elementary school? There are nothing difference. Knowing that, we as students (university)  have to realize that we've grown up and willing to accept the learning model have offered. Although, actually I was surprised by the model because, until this time,  I still in the shadows of high school where teachers teach in front of the class  and the students  just sit, listen, and take notes. But it must be changed, make a change. We must realize that independence learning is necessary because we have grown up.

The student(university) is like a plant as described by Mr. Marsigit in class. We can see it every day in our life. For the example, if  we have a plant, we will observe the plant. The plant was grow up by it self, from the seeds, sprouts up into a large tree. We are just as a facilitator for the plant. From that, we can implied that we are the lecture and the plant is the student. According  with independence learning, we must study slowly this mean study step by step. The first is intentions (willing), then curiosity, to see, understand, practice, and practice. Of course with these step we have to be patient in learning. The most important thing is study should not accompanied by arrogant attitude ( don’t study with bad attitude). Arrogant make people easily underestimate everything, moreover underestimate the others. In fact, arrogant attitude will not produce anything. Arrogance will burn everything, burning charity, burn our reward, and burn all  knowledge we have got. Therefore, in study we should not be arrogant. Not only in learning  English but also in learn whether any inexact science, social sciences, and life sciences. That's all I can take from the first English lecture.

February 18th  2013, is the second meeting  in English. In this  second meeting,  there are test about fifty short answer. As a result, I got bad mark that the fact I have learned. So, I conclude that I must study hard.
When  the test is complete, Mr Marsigit, our lecturer remind about his position as a lecturer and our position as a student as mentioned in the first reflection, that we as students have been regarded as someone who have been adult and able to take a position form. So that, in communication between students and lecturers need a trust. Trust in this content does not mean trust man with God but trust in the sense of optimism. We should not give illegal status for a lesson because give illegal status means that student dislike to learn. Such as learning English, if we know we have difficulty with  English we must study hard, try to enjoy, and understand English. The other side, if we learn English sincerity and pleasure will make a positive suggestion. Suggestion affect us, so that we more easily understand the lesson.
Lecturer as facilitator’s students in learning, so students are required to be independent when doing anything. Actually, the English language is a living science because English is everywhere. Ideally language, English is used every day, everywhere, every time, and everyone. He also said that English is our knowledge, the attitude is mine, and the experience is mine, and we can conclude that English is us. So it is up to us how we behave ourselves. If  we are hard to English, so English will soft with us and if we soft with English, English will be hard with us. We could not ask anyone for help to learn English. English is not a lesson that can be controlled just by reading it just one night. So that, language is live because the vocabulary will increase if we always study it.
Then, there are two components in the language, the form and content. Form of language, for example in the English, we knowing grammar. Mr Marsigit said that he memorized forms tenses when he was junior high, besides I memorized it when I was senior high and now I forget it. That's my fault because it should not just be memorized but also practiced. As an example, people who are lost in desert for a long time, they will forget who they are and will lost his words. That is one example if science was never be practiced. So when the study, memorize and apply.
Here's the science of the English  that I can catch when the lecture:
• Idiom
• Regular and Irregular verbs
• Adjective, have certain levels that can be sorted from smallest to largest as beautiful, more beautiful, and the most beautiful. While the verb does not have a degree. For example, I do read (I actually read), I do love you, etc.
There are so many rules in English but there are also many exceptions,  like ourselves.
Here's what I could catch of reflection II

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